Authors Guidelines

Authors Guidelines


i. Authors will submit their research manuscripts to the journal. Submission must adhere the journal’s guidelines, including formatting, citation style, and ethical standards.
ii. Upon submission, the editorial office will check the manuscript for adherence to formatting and ethical standards. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria may be returned to authors for revisions or rejected outright.
iii. The editor-in-chief will assign the submitted manuscript to the associate editors. It will be based on their expertise in the subject matter. iv. The associate editor will select one or more peer reviewers (also known as referees) who have expertise in the research area covered by the manuscript. Peer reviewers are typically experts in the field but are not affiliated with the author’s institution to minimize bias.
v. Peer reviewers will evaluate the manuscript for its scientific, quality, validity, significance, originality, and adherence to ethical standards. They will provide detailed feedback and make recommendations for revisions or acceptance.
vi. Authors will receive feedback from the peer reviewers and the associate editor. They will be given a certain amount of time to revise the manuscript based on the feedback and address any concerns or suggestions.
vii. The associate editor will review the revised manuscript and the peer reviewer’s comments. These will serve as basis whether to accept the manuscript for publication; request further revisions before a final decision; and reject the manuscript.
viii. Authors will be informed of the editorial decision, along with feedback and suggestions for revisions if applicable. If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, authors will be given specific guidelines for addressing the reviewer’s comments.
ix. If the revisions are requested, the associate editor and peer reviewers may conduct a final review of the revised manuscript to ensure that the authors have adequately addressed the concerns
x. Once a manuscript is accepted, it will go through the production process, including copyediting, formatting and typesetting. It is then published in the journal.
xi. After publication, the research article becomes part of the journal’s body of work. It can be cited by other researchers, and the journal may promote the article through various channels.

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