About the journal

About the Journal

Brief Description

This is an international academic online journal of Eastern Samar State University, Borongan City, Philippines. It publishes original research articles from multiple disciplines be it quantitative, qualitative, experimental or theoretical in approach. Submitted articles will be peer-reviewed and should conform to the publication standards. It must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.


Dr. Leni Alzate (Editor-in-Chief)

Print ISSN

Print ISSN

Online ISSN

Online ISSN


4 issues per year

Indexed/Abstracted/Listed in

Indexed/Abstracted/Listed in



Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Process

The paper is reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board to determine suitability for the journal. The paper may be rejected at this stage without undergoing a peer review process.
• If the paper is deemed to be within the scope of the journal, an Associate Editor will be assigned to nominate two suitable reviewers from the international panel of reviewers.
• Paper is prepared as per the requirement of double blind review process i.e. removal of all the possible information from the paper so that authors identity will not be disclosed and the paper is mailed to assigned reviewers.
• Reviewers are encouraged to respond within 10 days after nomination. Regular reminders are sent to reviewers who have not submitted reviews by the due date.
• The assigned editor examines the recommendations from the two reviewers and makes a decision to accept; accept with minor revisions; accept with major revisions or reject the paper for publication. Where there is significant disparity between two reviewer reports a third reviewer is sought.
• An outcome decision is recorded and an email sent to all authors.
• Where major changes are required, authors are invited to resubmit within 1.5 months. The resubmitted paper should be accompanied by a separate document listing the recommended changes from reviewers and identifying how they have been addressed or explaining the reason they have not been addressed. One of the initial reviewers will be invited to re-review the paper and make further recommendations.
• Where minor changes are required, the same process applies but a member of the Editorial Board will review the response.
• When the paper is rejected there is no invitation to resubmit.
• The final decision for paper acceptance is made by the Editor-in-Chief, on advice from the assigned Associate Editor. For papers accepted for publication, authors are requested to finalize editing prior to moving into the production phase which may involve further editing and refinements to the layout.

Editorial Publishing Policies

Editorial Publishing Policies

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